FIVE books in? Heck, I'm only a half a book in and I already know there's no money here unless someone buys it for a film. I'm not writing the kind of book that is going to be a crazy, trendsetting novel. I'm writing a romantic comedy, a mostly light, sometimes thoughtful expose of a looney woman who has to write fiction, deal with her relationship with her father, and juggle a day job. In that sense, it's mostly biographical. Except that she's nothing like me in personality--or is she? I've discussed that before. I never know how much I'm revealing about myself, but I do know that I have to finish the book before I can start the real work on it--editing, rewriting and reconstructing in part. I already did the part of throwing most of it out, so I hope I can skip that this round.
2025 Goal: Write a Chapter Book
4 weeks ago
Good writing is rewriting so I am learning from the writing group. It is great to have good,solid critique to make your writing more succinct and structured. You are doing well in your writing and the only obstacle I see is you have to carve time out to do your writing. The novel will come!