But for now, I have to write my own book, all by myself, sitting by the sunny window where my tomato seedlings interest me more than my plot. Why is it I have all sorts of suggestions for everyone else, but when it comes to myself, I have no clue what to do? That's why I need my critique group, which I will have to miss this week due to a visit from my mom. Maybe I'll make Mom read my draft and see what she has to say. But first I have to tell her she must cheer me on when she's done reading, even if she hates the book. That's the rule.
2025 Goal: Write a Chapter Book
4 weeks ago
You can do it! Just put it down and go back to basics...some free writing. Take your daughter to Starbucks (or something), have a hot cocoa, and just write what you hear, fell and see. Have some fun with it. Teach your daughter about listening to the noise and writing it out.